Mi xylophone ringtone
Mi xylophone ringtone

* TheUnReveal variety is used in ''Anime/CodeGeass'' to prevent the viewers from learning C.C.'s real name.

mi xylophone ringtone

At one point, Ryoma says "What are you going on about? I don't understand all those beeps." * Overused in ''Kodomo no Jikan'' to the point where it sounds like Rin has learned to speak in bird chirps. When ] figures out what's going on, he tries to tell the others but '''reality itself''' bleeps him every time he says the word "tennis". * Spoofed mercilessly in a ''Manga/ThePrinceOfTennis'' OAV, set in an AlternateUniverse where the heroes play beach volleyball instead of tennis. This was in fact the first thing censored in the series. ** As was the time Jin called a minor noble "an unimportant piece of ''''". * In the Creator/AdultSwim broadcast of ''Anime/SamuraiChamploo'', some of Mugen's profanity was bleeped with scratching sound effects in accordance with the show's hip-hop tone. Once the game came out, the manga quit dodging the issue and officially named her "Platinum".

mi xylophone ringtone mi xylophone ringtone

This was because she was to be named after the inevitable UpdatedRerelease of the corresponding video game, so they wanted to keep their options open. Anime and Manga]] * During the ''Diamond and Pearl'' arc of ''Manga/PokemonAdventures'', Lady Berlitz's given name was always obscured with someone's speech bubble, more than likely ''her own'' as she ''shouts something'' right as her name is said.

Mi xylophone ringtone